Free Novel Read

The Secret Life of Water

  Also by Masaru Emoto

  The Miracle of Water

  The True Power of Water

  The Hidden Messages in Water

  Messages from Water, volumes I–III

  The Secret of Water

  Water Crystal Heating

  A Division of Simon & Schuster,

  Inc. 1230 Avenue of the Americas

  New York, NY 10020

  English translation © 2005 by Beyond Words Publishing, Inc., and Simon & Schuster, Inc.

  English translation by David A. Thayne.

  Originally published as Mizu Wa Kotae Wo Shitteiru 2 by Masaru Emoto.

  © 2003 by Masaru Emoto.

  Original Japanese edition published by Sunmark Publishing, Inc., Tokyo, Japan. English translation rights arranged with Sunmark Publishing, Inc., through InterRights, Inc., Tokyo, and Gotham Artists Agency, Inc., New York.

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Atria Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

  The information contained in this book is intended to be educational. The author and publisher are in no way liable for any misuse of the material.

  First Atria Paperback edition February 2011

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  Library of Congress Control Number: 2005931916

  ISBN 978-0-7432-8982-5

  ISBN 978-0-7432-9032-6 (pbk)

  eISBN-13: 978-1-45165-686-2

  The universe, silence, a world stretching into all eternity

  They came here from far away—hundreds and thousands of clumps of ice—moving through outer space. After a long journey through the expanse between planets and stars, the grand journey is about to come to an end.

  The earth, emerald-green, shining brightly

  As the ice approaches earth, it enters the atmosphere and begins to break up, gradually becoming smaller, spreading out, and then finally falling to the ground.

  Clouds, ornaments in the sky, art evolving moment by moment

  When the ice granules fall to a certain point, they become a fine curtain of mist and spread out in the sky, creating a white carpet above the earth. A cloud is born.

  Rain, ice granules falling down on plants, gently providing moisture

  Rain falls, bringing nourishment to the earth—forests, fields, flowers. The water sinks into the ground only to emerge ages later as springwater.

  River, splashing, sparkling, flowing magnificently

  At first a muddy stream, the water eventually becomes a river flowing through the meadows—waterways, carrying life within.

  Sandy beach, blue sky, sparkling ocean reflecting the sun, white waves

  Aeons ago, this is where it all began. The ocean gave birth to life and life emerged on land, creating a new day—the birth of bustling culture.

  Morning mist, droplets flowing down the veins of green leaves

  Water, in its most pure and beautiful form, rises up in the cool air of the forest morning, creating a mist.

  Beside the water well, nice and cool, the laughing of children

  The children share a watermelon. Plants take their moisture from the ground, providing us with sweet fruit. Water from the well is cold and delicious.

  Industry, chimneys, black smoke, discarded plastic bottles

  Somewhere along the way, we have forgotten how to show our appreciation for water. Water from the ground is polluted, and water from our taps no longer tastes good, so we resort to water in plastic bottles.

  A new century, a new war, hope and despair

  Perhaps the pollution of water is nothing more than the pollution of the human soul. Modern society has gone as far as we can go. What is to come of us now?

  Ice crystals, shining diamonds, a new hope, the beginning of a new adventure




  Tune in to the Hado of Happiness


  Water’s Healing Melody


  Cycles of Water, Cycles of Life


  The Wonder of Hado: Explaining the Inexplicable


  Our World and Our Water Are Changed by Prayer



  Starting with my first collection of water-crystal photographs, Messages from Water [Mizu kara no dengen ] (Vibration Kyoikusha, 1999), I have come to realize that these water books have a strange and wonderful power. They have wings of their own and go beyond my own familiar boundaries to distant lands, where they have an enormous impact. They force people to experience a different way of seeing things, and I am often invited to speak to the people who have been touched by these books.

  I sometimes feel like I’m being guided by the spirit of water. I feel like I can see and even talk to this spirit, which I see as water droplets shining brightly in the air. The droplets join together to form clouds, disappearing just as fast, all for my entertainment.

  Even though I now feel like I am being guided by the spirit of water, my first conscious interaction with water was not at all pleasant. In Yokohama, Japan, where I grew up, my family lived on a plateau near the ocean. It was only a short walk down a slope to the water’s edge. When the tide went out, the shallow shore was left uncovered for miles, making it a great place to hunt for various types of clams. But at high tide, the scene was completely different.

  I must have been six or seven when the sea swallowed me up one day. I had gone out swimming with the boy next door, who was two years older than I.

  We had gone out farther than we should have, and I suddenly began bobbing up and down, gasping for air. It was the first time I had experienced anything like it. I was only ten meters from land, but my feet didn’t touch the bottom. I panicked and started waving my arms and kicking my feet. But the more I panicked, the more I sunk, and soon I started to swallow water. I thought that was going to be the end of me, but a small boat approached and pulled me out of the water.

  When I went home and told my mother what had happened, she gave me some advice based on her own ability to swim and her understanding of water. “You can float if you just give in,” she said. She told me that if I let the water lift me instead of trying to resist it, it would pick me up and carry me.

  These words have stuck with me over the years. Since that time, I have tried to let myself go with the flow as I gently move in the direction that I wish my life to take me.

  Now whenever I go swimming in the ocean or a pool, I like to just lie on my back and let myself be carried in the arms of water. And it’s times like that more than any other that I feel the presence of the spirit of water in the form of shining droplets.

  I feel quite confident in saying that the reason I came up with the idea of freezing water and taking photographs of the crystals was that I desired to go with the flow of life. The spirit of water came to my aid, guiding me to live the life that I now live. The spirit has led me and guided me over the years, teaching me the many things I need to know, culminating in the publication of my book The Hidden Messages in Water.

  Shortly after its publication, readers began sending me letters of appreciation. Their kind words have helped to create a wonderful flow for me
to give myself up to. Most of the letters expressed appreciation and also amazement in seeing the truth of nature revealed through water crystals.

  One woman wrote, “Of all the books that I have read in my life, this is the most wonderful. Thank you so much for this book—it’s as if it were surrounded by light. I will treasure it for the rest of my life.”

  Another message read, “To see truth revealed in such a visible way is truly surprising, amazing, and convincing. This book made me realize that the effects brought about by ancient teachings, prayer, and religion are not simply superstitions and random ideas, but effects based on the truths of the universe.”

  Another wrote, “My seventy-six-year-old father told me, ‘Of all the books people have recommended to me, this is the only one I’m glad I read.’ Thank you for this book that has changed my perspective on life.”

  In fact, if we were to take the energy from all these messages and make a crystal, I am certain that it would be a beautiful one.

  This is the work of the water crystals. I find that those who are attracted by the beauty of crystals become connected and then they resonate with each other. Like when a single leaf falls onto the surface of water, a quiet and soft but certain wave is spreading out as a result of water’s secret life being revealed to mankind.

  The response has been the same all over the world. I have met with people from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, England, France, Italy, America, Canada, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Ecuador, Brazil, Australia, South Korea, the Philippines, and Taiwan, where I have given lectures. In June 2002, I was invited by the Greek Orthodox Church to join a luxury-cruise seminar tour on the Adriatic Sea along with religious leaders and scientists from around the world. Symposiums were held in Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, and other ports of call. Called the International Symposium on Religion, Science, and the Environment, the event was being held for the fourth time. I had been invited just three months before the symposium by one of the organizers of the symposium, a Greek woman whose daughter had showed her the collection of crystal photographs. The emotions of the many people who saw the crystal photographs reached behind the individual and resulted in a flow of wonderment from one person to another that has now became a flowing river.

  There’s another way to express the response to the water-crystal books. It’s as if the water crystals have brought moisture back to the dried-up souls of those who live in the harsh conditions of modern society. They have replenished the brilliance of life to individuals and society. More than anything else, the photographs have succeeded in starting an enormous movement that is taking place among people around the world.

  The act of living is the act of flowing. If a dam is built in a river to stop its flow, the river will die. Likewise, if the flow of blood gets dammed up somewhere in our bodies, it will mean the end of life.

  The same is true for cities and countries. I was recently blessed with the opportunity to lecture to a large audience in Berlin. As you know, Berlin is a city that was once divided in two by a wall. I told the audience that just as water should remain free to flow, in no way should a city or a country be divided. The splitting of Berlin in 1961 resulted in a great hardship, loss of homes, and loss of dreams.

  Then, twenty-eight years later, the wall was torn down and, like water allowed to flow freely, millions of people began to come and go of their own free will. The people emulated the flow of water, a principle of nature. And the reason is that people are mostly water.

  About 70 percent of our bodies are water. This is the case for adults of all races, and it is why people should not be divided by political strategies and ideologies. Just like water, people must always be allowed to flow freely.

  When I finished speaking to the audience, I noticed that a change had come over the hall. It was like a feeling spread over all of us. A wave of people stood up and started clapping. Their souls had been touched by my message, and the result was a wave of emotion that encompassed the hall, creating an ever-larger wave that would expand to others.

  The desire for peace and prayers of love cannot be contained within borders. Differences in skin color or language are easily overcome when hearts resonate together, creating a new flowing wave.

  A small adventure beginning with a tiny little water crystal has spread to people all over the world, creating a growing movement. The water crystals have resonated with something pure and holy deep within the souls of the people who see the photographs. Hearts have been opened, and love, gratitude, and a hope for peace have spilled out, opening the way for a new adventure.

  Through this book and through these crystal photographs, I hope to convey the power of prayer.

  When water is exposed to certain expressions—“You’re cute,” “You’re beautiful,” “Love and gratitude”—a beautiful crystal results when the water is frozen. What does this really mean for us? The thoughts in our hearts have an impact on all life and in the creation of our world tomorrow.

  A wondrous power resides within the human soul. We hear all the time that our actions are a result of our thoughts, and this principle is truly demonstrated in how water forms crystals according to what influences it has been exposed to.

  But the power to affect action with thought is a double-edged sword. If people desire to see the destruction of the world, then that is what will result.

  A lot has happened in our world since people have become aware of the water crystals. Gigantic buildings—symbols of civilization and prosperity—have collapsed before our eyes. New wars have erupted. We have seen sadness give birth to anger, and anger create more sadness, creating a cycle that encompasses the world around us. Some people cry, some look down in despair, and some look up in prayer. We must use the power within us to keep our thoughts focused on the good around us and not on the forces of destruction.

  We are at a point in human history when we most need to rediscover some important truths that we have somehow forgotten. In fact, this might be our last chance. And this is the lesson that I feel water crystals are trying to teach us.

  My research into crystals began with the desire to get even one tiny step closer to understanding the universe, but that has now led to the evolution of a broad field of study for me.

  I have seen the effect that bright smiles of people throughout the world and expressions of emotion can have on the formation of beautiful crystals. But you may ask, can world peace occur from mere water crystals? It is my desire to take the first step in that direction and then one more and then another and on and on toward that end.

  As I continue my conversation with water, the crystals continue to teach me many lessons: the importance of living in tune with the rhythm of life and the flow of nature, leaving the earth beautiful for future generations; love; and prayer. All of these various messages have been included in this book. I could be no happier than to find that it has had a positive influence on all those who have picked it up.

  Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to Beyond Words Publishing, my English-language publisher of The Hidden Messages in Water and The True Power of Water, and all others who have helped in various ways, and also my staff at IHM who endured many hours in a refrigerated room taking pictures of crystals.


  Tune in to the Hado of Happiness

  What comes to mind when you think about happiness?

  Do you think about love coming true for you? Perhaps the moment of birth of a son or a daughter? A job well done? Or a time you remember lying in the green grass and gazing up at the blue sky? The answer is different for everyone. We all have our own image of what happiness is. But all of us want to live a life filled with happiness.

  I know of only one way to do this, and that is to align yourself with the hado of happiness. As I described in my book The True Power of Water, hado is the subtle energy that exists in all things.

  All that exists in the universe vibrates at a unique frequency. So if you emit a hado of happiness,
then you can be sure that the universe will respond with happiness. What do you need to do to align yourself with the hado of happiness?

  Part of the problem is that it’s hard to know what happiness really is. Perhaps there was a time when you thought you were happy, but then you realized that it was only an illusion. Or maybe you believed that a blissful relationship was finally within your reach only to compare what you had with someone else and see your dream castle crumble in the sand and be washed away.

  On a trip to Germany, my daughter, who now lives in the Netherlands, told me about one of her friends who had lived in East Germany before the Berlin Wall came down. The construction of the Berlin Wall was a time of great sadness for the people of Germany, but my daughter’s friend said that despite the city being divided, life on the east side of the wall went on basically as normal. In fact, a sense of contentment came from knowing that no one had to worry about what others were thinking because everyone was poor.

  But when the wall finally came down and the people in the eastern part of the city were now suddenly able to obtain everything that the western part of the city had to offer, problems began. The more new, shiny things they saw, the more they wanted. But the easterners were basically still poor, so the result was a lot of unsatisfied needs. Some even longed for the days before the wall came down when people were poor and prices low.

  It seemed as if the country had first been torn apart and then put back together all without regard for the will of the people. Of course the fall of the Berlin Wall is one of the most jubilant moments of modern history, but we have to admit that even this wonderful turning point had its repercussions.

  When we start to compare our happiness with that of others, we soon start resonating with the hado of unhappiness. As long as we search for happiness from the outside, then it’s unlikely that true happiness can ever be found.