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The Secret Life of Water Page 3

  We can also say that this is an aspect of the fractal theory. When you look at a tree, you can see that the tips of the branches divide and spread out much in the same way that the first branches of the tree divide and spread out. In other words, because the tree is formed in the same way as the branches, the tree forms a single silhouette, which is sometimes called a fractal structure. The fractal structure can be seen in various aspects of nature: in the ocean coast, in the churning of a river, and in the formation of clouds.

  This is also the case with water crystals. Why do water crystals form hexagonal shapes? When the molecules of water join together, the hexagonal shape is the most stable. Of course, such hexagonal structures are too small to see, but when these small structures join together, they form a larger hexagonal shape. In other words, the placement of molecules too small to see and the formation of crystals that we can see through our microscopes are in compliance with the fractal structure.

  So by observing the micro world, we can increase our understanding of the macro world; likewise, by observing macro phenomenon, we can learn more about the micro world.

  These three key words— frequency, resonance, and similarity —will give you a better understanding of hado. Another important aspect of hado is flow. The Buddha, knowing that flow is a fundamental principle of the universe, said that all things are in flux and nothing is permanent. Water is a good example of this. Water is always flowing with life, purifying what it encounters as it travels. It carries with it the nourishment necessary for sustaining life while also carrying away impurities, giving life to all.

  All life flows with the flow of water. Even your life is in constant flow with water. In fact, even the cycle of birth and death complies with this single principle. Circulation is indeed the law of nature.

  But there is one form of life that insists on breaking this law of nature: humankind. The desire for more, pride, and the insistence of one ideology over another all serve to block the flow. This is the cause of many of the problems that we find ourselves facing in these troubled times. War that begets greed, tragedy that begets loathing, pollution that begets apathy. These are distortions or blockages of the natural ways of nature.

  Many of the problems that we have not even started to solve require careful resolve and bold action. And what will be necessary for us to arrive at solutions? The answer is circulation. This is the key that we need to open the floodgates to a new day for the human race—finding happiness, spreading love, restoring peace, and protecting this jewel called Earth. It all begins with circulation, and it is water that will show us the way. I invite you to begin the journey:

  Let’s listen carefully. Let’s listen to the voice of water.

  And steep ourselves in the fantasy world created by water crystals.

  Someday we will return to water and become a part of the natural flow.

  Filled with amazement, your heart and your step will be lightened.

  Such a feeling will show you the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen.

  There’s no need to resist the flow.

  No need to be afraid of moving forward.

  And the reason is that you are water.


  Water’s Healing Melody

  If you find yourself feeling down, overwhelmed by the daily grind, or offended by an unkind word or act, then I suggest you try something: simply look at water. Walk to the edge of a nearby pond or a stream and cast your eyes on the gentle waves reflecting the sun. If it’s raining, find a puddle and watch the raindrops make rings that appear and disappear. Or while you are washing dishes at the sink, gaze at the geometric creations made as the light from the window mingles with water cascading downward.

  I recommend this because you will discover that water takes you to another world where you will feel the water within being washed clean; you will be able to return to who you really are. You have just forgotten for a while that you are water. As you let the water flow gently through your mind and your body, it will heal you at your core.

  The flow of water has much to teach us. In fact, the act of living is the act of flowing. It’s almost as if the water within your body has a desire to flow. In the same way, your soul must also flow. When your soul is allowed to flow, you feel a burden lifted from your weary body, for the soul and the body are simply two sides of the same coin.

  If you have been offended, forgive the offender. And if you feel oppressed for your own offenses against others, forgive yourself. Forgiveness opens up the path for you to naturally and freely flow toward your future.

  The universe holds something potentially wonderful for you at each passing moment of life. Open yourself to the good things flowing toward you and you will be able to reach out and welcome a wonderful future into your bosom. If you can’t get over a broken heart no matter how hard you try, the last thing you can do is go back and change the past. But there always remains the possibility that the flow of life will take you to a place more wonderful than you could have hoped for. Every second of life is a new crossroads with new possibilities. If you can realize this, you can free yourself from your burdens, you will see how trivial your problems are, and you will no longer need to be tied to the past.

  Water teaches us how to live, how to forgive, how to believe. If you open your ears to the possibilities in life, you may just be able to hear the sound of the pure water that flows through your body even now. It is the sound of your life—a melody of healing.

  Water Is Part of the Rhythm of Life

  The water flowing within us is part of the water flowing through nature and part of the rhythm of life being played out throughout the universe.

  In Europe and other parts of the world, it has long been said that the moon rules over water. The ocean’s tides are directly affected by the movements of the moon. Perhaps low and high tides are the most visible response to the moon, but wherever life is to be found, there is certain to be a link to the movement of the moon. The clam feels the gravitational pull from the moon and opens its shell at high tide. The breeding cycle of the sea urchin is exactly in line with the lunar cycle. And seagulls come to shore to lay their eggs almost always on the evening of a full moon, for reasons other than the increased light.

  We could hardly expect that human bodies, consisting of 70 percent water, would be the exception. More babies are born when there is a full moon, as any midwife will tell you. The female reproductive cycle is in time with the moon’s. Many people with sharpened sensitivities say they are energized on nights when the moon is full. Full-moon energy is linked to insanity and stories of werewolves. Even the word lunatic comes from the root lunar.

  It makes perfect sense that most of the ancient cultures of the world have relied on the lunar calendar to measure time. The lunar calendar, which is closely aligned with the cycle of life, was an important tool for planting and harvesting crops. When our rhythm is in line with the movement of the moon, we can more easily align to the flowing of the water within us. This is nothing less than living life to the beat of the drum played by the rhythm of nature. It is also a piece of wisdom mostly lost on modern man.

  Similar to the lunar calendar is the thirteen-month calendar used by the Mayans, which is somewhat different from the lunar calendar. I learned about Dr. Jose Arguelles and his wife, Lloydine, who have made it their cause to print copies of this calendar and spread its use throughout the world. They believe that if the calendar is used on a global scale, then people will start to live within the rhythm of nature, thus opening paths that lead to solutions for many of the problems faced by modern society.

  According to this calendar, the new year starts on July 26. When the 365 days of the year are divided by 28, the days in each month, you get 13 months. And one extra day. On the Mayan calendar, this extra day of the year was called “the day out of time.” All work was laid aside, prayers were offered, and prosperity was celebrated with laughter and dance.

  While changing to a lunar-based calendar may n
ot be practical or desirable for everyone, we can attune to the moon and the rhythm of life in our own ways. The human body is a tiny universe of its own. Being in tune with this grand universe within allows us to fully experience the energy flowing from the cosmos. When we return to living as one with the universe, we will rediscover the simplicity and spontaneity we were intended for and that was intended for us.

  The number of people in the world searching for inner healing is vast, and it may include you. Perhaps the reason is because the environment we have created for ourselves has evolved too fast, and now we find ourselves in a world of pain and fatigue of our own creation. How do we save ourselves from it? Listen to the melody flowing from the world around you. When you can feel this rhythm flowing within the water that makes up your being, then you will become one with the water crystals. This is the life that so many of us are searching for. It’s the healing experience that we know deep in our souls is waiting for us. Everyone is searching for healing.

  Music as a Healing Force

  Alan Roubik is an American pianist who has based his musical career on the principle that music has the ability to heal. In addition to being a performer, Alan is a music producer for television commercials and films, and he also has his own recording company. His piano music has no rival in clarity: many who listen to it say that they feel like their bodies become transparent.

  Alan had an experience when he was a young boy which convinced him that music has the power to heal, and since that time, he has based his career on writing music for healing. He started playing the organ at age three as a child prodigy, and from the age of nine, he focused on the piano and on writing and performing. But in his teen years his life took a sudden change. He injured the ulnar nerve in his right arm during physical-education class at school, making it painful and nearly impossible to move his fingers.

  For several months, he was unable to play the piano. The muscles in his fingers began to weaken. It seemed as if the road to his future had suddenly come to an insurmountable impasse, and the realization that he would likely lose the music which he loved so much sent him into a deep depression. He tried thinking about other futures, but he always found himself sitting in front of the piano.

  And then one day, perhaps in utter desperation, he put his hands on the keyboard and let whatever was in his heart come out. Alan says that what he felt at that moment was something like happiness in his fingers. He could feel the life energy flowing through his hands and the resonance between the sound of the piano and the movement of his fingers.

  Alan’s hands began to recover almost immediately, and it wasn’t long before he was able to play as good as before—or even better.

  I first met Alan in 1995 through an introduction by the scientist who had invented the Magnetic Resonance Analyzer (MRA), a hado measuring instrument that is capable of measuring minute vibrations. With the cooperation of this scientist, we asked Alan to compose music that would express the healing powers of hado. We wanted to have healing music that would be capable of boosting the body’s immune system.

  When the score was completed and recorded, we exposed water to it, and as might have been expected, crystals formed from the water were exceedingly beautiful and delicate—typical of healing characteristics.

  When we showed photographs of the crystals to Alan, he said that he was surprised to see that all the crystals formed were identical to the images he had in his mind when he was composing the music.

  Alan is one of many artists who is highly aware that music is a form of healing. But we also know that the classical music from the past, famous jazz pieces, and folk music from the corners of the world also have the ability to heal in their own individual ways.

  I exposed water to classical music from various composers and then took photographs of the resulting crystals. Then we took hado measurements of the photographs with the MRA. The results revealed the hado—emotional and physical—affected by the music. Some of these results I shared in The True Power of Water. Here are two additional findings:

  Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries”

  Emotional hado: Self-pity

  Physical hado: Alleviation of indirect pain

  Debussy’s “Prelude to ‘The Afternoon of a Faun’”

  Emotional hado: Environmental stress

  Physical hado: Alleviation and prevention of back problems

  What this all means is that good music has the ability to guide us on the path of healing. It seems that this is especially the case with classical music, which has stood the test of time. When water is exposed to this music, my research has found that the water becomes energetic, and beautiful crystals are formed.

  Music is also a representation of the time and environment in which the music was composed. If you look back on different periods in history, you’ll find that different periods are characterized by certain music. This is because the types and degrees of stress that society experiences change with the times and require healing. This results in the creation of music that harmonizes with the frequency prevalent in society.

  Consider the jazz that came out of New York beginning in the 1940s. Toru Yazawa, a member of a popular band in Japan known as Alice, once shared with me a brief history of jazz.

  Jazz got its start with the blues sung and played by African-Americans. When this music was combined with the brass bands of New Orleans, the result was the vivid and liberal genre known as New Orleans jazz. The jazz of this period was mostly simple three-chord melodies, which is why it sounds simple and blissful.

  Over time, the center of jazz moved to New York, and in the years after the end of World War II, a new form of jazz called modern jazz started to emerge. Modern jazz consists of complicated chords. Sounds that would normally create a roar were combined, and then other sounds are piled on top of each other, resulting in the uniquely gloomy, avant-garde feel of modern jazz.

  During that time, New York City, as well as the whole United States, was experiencing uneasiness and anxiety over the emergence of the Soviet Union and other threatening enemies, creating the atmosphere that led to the Korean and Vietnam wars. Those who lived in New York, a melting pot of different people, in that particular time were experiencing a type of stress never felt before. Perhaps, simpler music (three-chord) was needed for healing simpler human relations, while more complex music was needed for healing more complex human relations. Simply put, music, in addition to being art and providing entertainment, is more than anything a form of healing.

  Healing with Hado

  As I mentioned in my book The True Power of Water, I am keenly interested in the field of hado medicine. Hado medicine focuses on the underlying cause of the symptoms of illness, in contrast to the medical practices which require that we take pills or undergo surgery to deal with symptoms of disease. Hado medicine deals with the unique vibration of the illness itself. I can say with certainty that the day will come when hado medicine is widely accepted. Most people today go to the drugstore to find solutions for their ailments, but perhaps one day instead of getting a prescription of medicine, you will get a prescription of music to heal what’s ailing you. Such a day may not be as far away as you think.

  All symptoms of illnesses vibrate at a unique frequency. By knowing the frequency, it is possible to overlap the exact opposite wavelength on top of the symptom’s wavelength; thus, the frequency of the illness is dissipated and the symptoms are alleviated. This is already in practice to some degree with treatment for Parkinson’s disease and other neurological illnesses.

  Hado medicine not only deals with the specific body part where symptoms are located; it also helps to alleviate the real cause behind the sickness, which is often negative emotions. For example, if a person is experiencing liver problems, then we will also almost always find that the person has anger issues. The wavelength generated by anger is the same as the wavelength generated by the molecules of the cells that make up the liver, so the wavelengths of anger and the liver are in tune with each
other. In the same way, the emotion of sadness is in tune with the blood, and so sad people tend to be easily plagued by leukemia and hemorrhage-type strokes. Continued irritability damages the nervous system, often leading to pain, sensitivity, and stiff muscles in the lower neck and shoulders.

  An important aspect of hado medicine is that the human body is considered to be a universe of its own. Our bodies consist of some 60 trillion cells, each carrying out its specialized responsibility while simultaneously harmonizing with other cells in a wonderful way to make us who we are. The organs, nerves, and cells of the body have their own unique frequency. The body is like a grand orchestra consisting of the harmonization of various sounds. When something goes wrong somewhere in our body, there is discord with one of the sounds. And when even one sound is out of pitch, the entire composition is not as it should be.

  A dentist named Kazumasa Muratsu has seen significant results with patients he has treated based on the perspective that teeth are nothing less than organs of the body. In one instance, one of his patients was unable to clench her hands for many years, but when Dr. Muratsu removed the metal fillings on her upper teeth and adjusted her bite, she regained full use of her hands. She also found that she no longer suffered from chronic pain in her lower back and her right leg.

  This indicates that teeth have an effect on the entire body, and complications with teeth can influence the rest of the body in totally unpredictable ways. Dr. Muratsu, in fact, says that the teeth are one part of the core control center of the body.

  But modern medicine sees the human body as a machine consisting of various independent parts, and the healing they provide deals only with taking care of the particular defect of the particular part that’s gotten out of order. But if one symptom is attended to and followed by something failing elsewhere in the body, then true healing has not really taken place. Hado medicine is all about dealing with the health of the entire body, which is why the word healing and not “curing” is more appropriate.